Welcome to the Living Seas Wales Training Platform.

Living Seas Wales is a Wales wide coastal project brought to you by The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales and North Wales Wildlife Trust, thanks to funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund and players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

To find out more about how players of People’s Postcode Lottery support The Wildlife Trusts, click here

If you are keen to learn more about the sea around Wales please register for free to gain access to our online resources, quizzes, videos, training courses and other exciting content.

If you have already registered and have received a login then what are you waiting for?

Dive right in!

We have a variety of different resources available from marine species identification to specific survey techniques.

It’s all designed for you to find out more and to help us make a difference; to conserve our marine environment for the future.

Welcome to the Living Seas Zone!